I have no words….

It’s been a while since I sat down to this… I guess life just gets in the road. Maybe it’s a metaphor for my life, maybe it’s been a while since I sat down and focused on one thing. Me.

Life is life. It’s so busy and hard to keep track of.

So why today?
Well, you know when you achieve something great, you’re lost for words, all you want to do is share it with someone because you want them to be proud of you and congratulate you on a job well done? Last night Ethan & I achieved something massive… Last night 10mths of work culminated in a 151 page document. 27,376 words. Ethan’s Honours Thesis is completed. {Addit. I’ve seen the printed version. A forest went into it…}

Today is now just a massive brain fart. Sleep was limited to 5hrs last night. I think I’m too tired to think about anything. I do have an assignment of my own tomorrow that I need to be preparing for… I just don’t really care about it at the moment.

I need to start taking myself a little less seriously, so here’s the proof of how long and painful today will be.

  • I am crying over everything and nothing. I just need to let out all this emotion I think.
  • It took me 10min to decide what I would have on my toast… Peanut butter, Nutella, Vegemite, Nutella, Tuna, Peanut butter. HOWEVER! I decided on dinner in 2 seconds…
    {Anna, you aren’t even going to think about dinner for another 8hrs!}
  • I’m now eating Nutella, straight from the jar (the only way) as I slowly fumble my way around the keyboard.

Maybe Mum was right, I should probably just nap for all eternity.

Anna. xo


I’m sorry, but I have to let it out. I am a Valentine’s Day hater…

Opps, sorry if I offend anyone! Also, don’t try to convince me otherwise.

Before you ask, I’m not a hater because I’ve never had someone to share it with! Actually, no. I have caught the most amazing guy ever, and I’m not letting him go! I envision that we’ll have more than our fair share of Feb 14th’s together in the years to come.

So Why?

Valentine’s Day is just a lame excuse for a holiday, or celebration! Why do we need a particular day to celebrate love? How come we can’t celebrate love each and everyday? Why do we have to wait for one day in the year to send bunches of overly priced red flowers (which will die in a weeks time) to those who we love? Why do we need a specific day to buy boxes of chocolates for each other? Don’t we women complain about eating too much chocolate anyway? Also, teddy bears…? Oh man. Don’t get me started!! I don’t really get it to be honest…

So it’s not that I don’t appreciate what the day represents, I just don’t like the need for the day.

I was asked this week at work if I was expecting some roses this Saturday… I confidently replied “No. I saw him last weekend.” When I was out shopping with my sister yesterday we were asked about ‘our boyfriends’ as well, I confidently replied something very similar.

You see, for me, I appreciate love everyday. I try to tell and show how much I love someone on a daily basis; and it’s not that I don’t appreciate gifts and surprises and nice dates and times together with my loved ones, I just don’t think it needs to fit under the title.

So how did I spend my Valentine’s Day? Well, I woke up in a room with one of my best friends and my sister. We made Waffles and ate them on a picnic rug in my hallway. We then spent the morning prowling the shopping mall. I continued by catching up with my Beach Mission team, and then I went to a good friends engagement party. Finally, I spent over 4 hours in a car with my sister driving back to my home town, upon arriving we collapsed into bed (it was late).

In all my day’s excitement Ethan and I didn’t even get a chance to chat on the phone like we usually do. We have been fighting (not literally) through a 3 month season of separation. Just for the record, never believe anyone who says long distance is easy! Pfftt! For us it’s Valentine’s Day every single time we are spending time together, minus the tackiness! I say bring on 2 weeks time!! Woohoo!

So, I hope if you are Valentine’s lover you enjoyed your day. I know I enjoyed mine.

Peaking into Heaven’s Throne Room

I read Psalm 2 this morning. I learnt to read the Psalms when I fell into a quiet time rut. I’m thankful for that advice, and I don’t care if that means I read the first few more times than any others. (FYI – Psalm 1 is pretty spot on, so far my favourite!)

So Psalm 2 – today I just saw it as a bit of a movie in my mind. The writer starts out by asking questions of earthly rulers; why do they plot, why do they set themselves against each other? There’s then this quick shift to the voice of the God-head (guys, it says ‘let us’ – boom Trinity!).

I have this image in my head of God sitting in his throne room looking down on the earth like some sort of Chess board. It’s like we as the rulers of the earth are just doing our own thing, God let us right? But still with one swift and directed movement God can change things. I guess I think of the story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11, people thought they were being powerful and stuff. They are all like “Come on we have such great knowledge and ideas, surely we can build a tower that reaches high into the sky, then people will know who we are and we can find our way back if we ever get lost.” Then God comes along and shows them up, he shows them why he is God and why we (as people) are not. Not only does he confuse there language so they don’t understand each other, he spreads them across the whole earth (and they can’t see their tower to make their way back I guess…).

The writer doesn’t just stop there though, he tells us to be wise, to fear the LORD for he is powerful, because he is able to do all that is outlined earlier in the psalm.

“… Blessed are those who take refuge in him.”
~ Psalm 2:12

Have good day everyone!

Anna šŸ™‚

Excitement Overload!

Today it is crazy hot! Legit it’s 42 degrees outside, and I swear it’s not a lot cooler inside… I’m sitting under my air conditioner and unfortunately I don’t feel like it’s making much of a dent. (Saying that though, I’m not planning on going outside too soon!)

It’s actually the perfect day for doing absolutely nothing! Currently I have been to church and watched ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, and now the cricket is showing while I prepare for Beach Mission. Aside from my lack of creativity, not being able to crack into my characters heads, I’m super keen for Mission!!

I can’t believe that pretty much a whole year has passed since thisĀ happened last year. When I think of Mission I think of days running around in no shoes. I think of grass, tents, bad nights sleep and aching muscles all over. I think of those super late night shower parties which are your only time of the day all by yourself! But I’m also reminded of God, of His work, of the joy that is each and everyday presenting kids with the greatest news ever! I’m reminded of the joys of answered prayers, of seeing God subtly (and not so subtly) working through each and every situation bringing His ultimate plan to fruition, and we can’t forget about the preciousness of the relaxation and comfort which is God’s presence.

Sure, Beach Mission is some of the hardest work, but there’s a reason we all go back year after year! I seriously can’t think of anything greater to do with my Summer holidays!! šŸ™‚

This year I have a bit more responsibility which comes with leading a section. I’m freaking out!! Like majorly!! My team however is great, there’s so many ideas and creative minds, and I know that by God’s grace we will make it!!

This afternoon I’m going to sit here in my excitement, I’m going to try and crack open my creativity and write some skits. You know what though? Even if I don’t write any of my skits I know that I’m already more prepared for mission simply by being excited!!

Get keen!!!!

Anna.. šŸ™‚

Thankfulness – Take 2

It’s been a while since I was able to stop, relax and just be thankful (it’s been since April actually!)

I’m not sitting in the sunshine drinking tea, but it is mid morning and I’m still in my cosy bed! What better time than now to share 5 more things I’m thankful for on this deary November morning!

1)Ā God’s Faithfulness.Ā With out the knowledge that God’s hand is over my life I would seriously be such a mess. I’m so good at ignoring Him as well, but to know that He continues to love me is so humbling.

2)Ā Cloudy Days.Ā I’m in exam period at the moment, and I’m really thankful that the weather has been crap! Living by the beach and having nice weather is great, except when you are in the middle of a hectic exam period! Also, I really enjoy wearing jeans, cardigans and scarves, so this weather is letting me enjoy so many of my favourite things!

3)Ā Dating.Ā I guess lots changes in 7 months. I have exciting news… I have a friend who is a boy, and we are dating, and it is lovely. Ethan is his name, and he is lovely. I’m just so thankful for him, and I’m thankful for the time that we get to spend together getting to know each other. Dating is exciting, I’m enjoying this new season of life! Sure it’s not always easy, but it’s rewarding learning to love someone, and it’s so weird realising how much you share and know each other after such a short time.

4) Holidays. Last night I had a great conversation with my parents organising for them to come and bring me home. Uni is almost over for another year (I have one more exam which I sit in 2days!) I’m so excited and ready for holidays and to go home. I’m most excited to relax, it’s something I haven’t done a lot of over the past few months.

5) Books.Ā I love books, but I never have the down time to enjoy them! Legit, I have bought about 5 books this year that I haven’t started reading. Even worse, I have a book that I received last Christmas that I still haven’t had the chance to finish! That’s my problem, I start books and then they get tossed to the wayside, when I finally have time to read them again I have completely forgotten what was going on! I’m thankful that books exist though, I have planned many dates with my bath tub at home and a nice paperback which are going to occur in a few short days!

5 Things I’m Thankful for Today

God blesses us in so many ways! It’s completely crazy. I just felt like slowing down and thinking about that this morning.

Friends.Ā I seriously don’t think we thank God enough for friends. Quite seriously, without them this week I would have already turned mentally insane.

Peace & Quiet. I’m currently staying over at a friend’s house, its fantastic. I have 2 exams that I’m crazy studying for at the moment and it’s been so great to get out of my house, be with people and be productive! I’m sitting here on the back porch with my tea to my right, dogs barking and a wide open view of the mountains in frontĀ of me. There’s no distraction from traffic, trains or other people.

The Sun. I don’t know about you guys, but the sun is probably one of my favourite pieces of God’s creation (if you can pick favourites!) The way it lights up the Earth and brings warmth just hits me right in the depths of my heart. If I can see the sun, and better yet bask in its rays, I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside me. I live on the coast, it’s Autumn at the moment, and I’m completely in love with the way the days are cool, but warmed by the Sun. People just get outside with a big picnic rug, put on your favourite Autumnal clothes, and just enjoy the sunshine for a little while.

A Place to Call Home. This one is hitting right at my heart at the moment. I went away for the weekend, but not back home. I came back and was struck by just how ‘at home’ I feel here. My friend said last year (especially when I was struggling to settle in) that “Home is where the pillow is”, not sure if I agree now. For me home is where my life is, the place where I can’t wait to get back to; it’s a place that is comfortable with me and I with it.

Tea. Yes. Tea! Please, let’s take 30secs to relax, think and be thankful for a fantastic cup of tea. MMMMmmmm. (I actually just made myself a fresh cup so I’m all over this!) It may just about be the perfect beverage to relax, unwind and share life’s worries and secrets around. Also, it’s the perfect study drink. Enough said! God, thanks for tea! (Also, just so you all know, I only really got into tea about a year agoā€¦ I was sitting studying and just really felt like the taste of tea. It has to be one of the greatest decisions of my life.) I think that this one is pretty self-explanatory.

Photos.Ā Over the weekend I think I took about 500 photos, I’ll have to check.Ā  I’m so thankful for the memories and beauty I can capture with just the click of a button. I love looking through my photo albums; going back and seeing faces of old friends, pictures of smiling faces, all bringing back memories of both the good and the bad. But then, I’m a pretty reminiscent person.

Thanks God for all these glorious gifts.

I enjoyed this little thankfulness adventure, I think we should all try to be thankful more often. I guess now back to study I go.



The One Where Everything was Awesome

I may have just gotten home. I may have also just had the most fun possible. A tip for everyone – GO SEE THE LEGO MOVIE!

If I’m serious it’s probably not the greatest movie of all time, but it is HILARIOUS! I’m glad I went, I needed some comic relief.

Tonight was one of those throw together nights; we organised to go to the movies a few days ago, but I never thought that who was there would have joined us. It was a mixture of new and old friends, of people who I don’t think I’d really had a conversation with, and people who know the ins and outs of my everyday life.

Maybe the greatest part about tonight was being the major percentage of people in the cinema. Yes, we took up a WHOLE row! And yes, the only people older than us were the parents there to watch the movie with their kids (which kind of confused meā€¦ I know its school holidays and all, but the movie started at 8:30. Bed time anyone??)

Speaking of holidays, guess who is now on those?? MEEEEEEE!! Waaahoooo!

So I’m a little excited. Although I have 2 mid-terms to study for (and I’m not going home), it’s still a time to slow down and relax. I was catching up with a friend earlier today and we both mentioned that Uni this year just seems to be way more important in our lives. For me it feels like everything seems to be floating around Uni; it’s always in the back of my mind. Like seriously, I’m sitting here thinking it’s nearly 12am and I need some sleep if I’m going to get up and met my friend to study tomorrow.

Speaking of which I’m actually going to go to bed! Too much excitement for this girl!

From my heart to yours,



PS. EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!! Lala lalala lala la lalala


A Growing Level of Friendship

I love my friends to pieces! Like actually! I struggle with how important they are to me.

I actually struggle to explain it to people, so this could be interestingā€¦ Also, I have an exam tomorrow, so my head is slowly filling with information about Biochemical Macromoleculesā€¦ (eww!)

This weekend I went away with my universities Christian Group for our annual start up camp, it was our 1 year friendiversary. I don’t remember exactly meeting everyone, but I know that it’s the first time I really got to know them all. I sat back and thought about everything that had happened in the past year. It was so nice to do, I was just filled with a great big ball of happiness and thankfulness to God.

I’m not sure if anyone has said this to me, or if I read it somewhere (or even made it upā€¦) but the friends you make at Uni really are life friends. It could be the fact that we share the same beliefs and values, have no one else to go to or simply because we have the time to develop friendships. All I know is that the 1 year long friendships I have are the greatest and deepest I have ever had.

All of this is one my mind because today I realised just how much we really look out for each other! I am particularly close with 2 of my girlfriends; today I got to spend time with each of them individually. What I find most amusing is that we talk to each other about each other and then share these conversation with each other. We really just have this massive circle of love and care. šŸ™‚

On that note, I also got to have some really great chats with some of my male friends over the weekend. We had a bonfire at camp. I spent the first 3 quarters sitting next to a friend and had this MASSIVE D&M; I’m talking life plans, children’s names – emotive and submarine deep!

I guess I’ve learn a lot about making friends over the past year. I’ve made so many, but the depths of them are all different. I think I’m learning that you need to be vulnerable in friendships. Naturally we are scared of being vulnerable, of opening up and walking out on that limb, but it’s not until we actually do it that we feel the real benefits. Once we gain the trust of someone that’s where it all really starts.

So I’m praising God for the greatness of each day, for the friends I have and the adventures I’m having, and I’m thoroughly looking forward to at least 3 more years of friendship adventures with my favourite people.

From my thankful heart to yours,



Delighting – A New View

Today I met up with a friend at Uni to read the bible and pray together. One-to-oneā€™s are a fantastic encouragement; thereā€™s nothing better than meeting up, opening the word and being public about it. We are so lucky to be able to do this freely in the country we live in.

This afternoon we read Psalm 1. When we first read through it I was like, ā€œYeah, I know this.ā€ Oh how wrong I was! Thereā€™s nothing quite like a kick in the guts from God, just to remind us how much there is for us still to learn!

The first thing that strikes me about Psalm 1 is that it is a Song. I just tried searching for it on YouTube for you guys, but it obviously isnā€™t a very popular one. Itā€™s from the ā€˜Scripture in Songā€™ hymn book, not sure which oneā€¦ It could be red, yellow or green. But the words are

ā€œBlessed is the man, the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, blessed is that manā€¦But his delight, by day and night… The wicked are not so for they are like the chaff that to wind blows swift away..ā€

Ok thatā€™s all I know. I know the tune though, does that count?

So the passage goes like this, Iā€™ve included it so you all donā€™t have to go searching for it. Iā€™m really only going to focus on a few things, because they were what struck me most from the passage.

ā€œ1Blessed is the man
Ā Ā Ā Ā whoĀ walks not inĀ the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands inĀ the way of sinners,
Ā Ā Ā Ā norĀ sits inĀ the seat ofĀ scoffers;
2Ā but hisĀ delight is in the lawĀ of theĀ Lord,
Ā Ā Ā Ā and on hisĀ law he meditates day and night.
3Ā He is likeĀ a tree
Ā Ā Ā Ā planted byĀ streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
Ā Ā Ā Ā and itsĀ leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
4Ā The wicked are not so,
Ā Ā Ā Ā but are likeĀ chaff that the wind drives away.
5Ā Therefore the wickedĀ will not stand in the judgement,
Ā Ā Ā Ā nor sinners inĀ the congregation of the righteous;
6Ā for theĀ LordĀ knowsĀ the way of the righteous,
Ā Ā Ā Ā but the way of the wicked will perish.ā€

While reading this passage my friend and I really got the importance of spending lime with God by reading His word and speaking with Him.

Verse 2 says that the Godly manā€™s delight is in the law of the LORD. How do you go about being a Christian? Do you view it as a task? As something that is taking away from your real enjoyment of life? I know I really struggle sometimes. I think the way I think about this verse in my life is through how I go about reading my Bible and just spending quiet times with God. I really struggle, I feel so much better on days when I do spend time with God, but I always put it way down on my priority list; itā€™s almost like I put it off because itā€™s too hard! Itā€™s definitely something Iā€™m praying about, how cool would it be to delight in God and meditate with Him day and night because we no longer see spending time with Him as a chore, but just as a regular part of life (just like spending time with your friend each day!)

If we continue onto Verse 3 the Psalmist talks about being like a tree planted by streams of water. This I guess is a bit of the application of Verse 2. I donā€™t know, maybe. My friend suggested something today that I really had never thought about before. She mentioned the story of Jesus at the well with the woman. She was there to draw water, He offered her water that would forever quench her thirst. What about if we apply this water (Life giving water) to the stream in verse 3. We should root ourselves by the stream of life. We should continue to draw from this source of life-giving water and in time we will grow and mature, bearing our fruit in season. How tempting does that sound?

I guess after today Iā€™m beginning to see my quiet times not as a task anymore, but as something to benefit me. Sure itā€™s not going to be easy and Iā€™m probably always going to struggle with my discipline towards this, but is it beneficial? HECK YES IT IS!

I pray that you all will delight in our LORD as you continue to draw water from His stream of life.

From my heart to yours


Feeling Blessed

How great is God??

Like seriously!

Recently I have just been in this really great place. I just moved back to Uni, Iā€™m house sharing with 2 amazing friends and life just seems to be going really great.

I canā€™t do much else at this time but praise God for all the good he is blessing me with. I donā€™t know what I did to deserve it, but thanks Father!

Even though all this good is happening, I guess itā€™s important not to become complacent. Ecclesiastes 3 says that there is a season for everything.

ā€œFor there is a season, a time for every matter under the heavenā€¦ā€

The part that particularly shines out to me this morning is verse 4;Ā I guess thatā€™s the season Iā€™m in at the momentĀ ā€“

ā€œā€¦a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to danceā€¦ā€

So hereā€™s to that season!

From my rejoicing heart to yours,
